Nespaneferher papyrus – Cairo 66
Ranke I, pg. 175, 5
Also known as Nespaneferhor, Nespahernefer, Nespaneferhor
Provenance Bab el Gasus, Daressy A.98, see Shabtis
God’s father of Amen-Re, the king of the gods, God’s father of Mut, Overseer of the recruits of the domain of Amen
Son of a Serdjehuty who was also God’s father of Amen and Overseer of the recruits of the domain of Amen
See Contribution à l’étude de l’Amdouat, Sadek 1985, C8 Planche 15-16, for description see page 114-119
Amduat papyrus for Nesypaneferher
Length 244 cm, height 23 cm
Ref. No. S.R.VII.10229, Cairo 66, Type A.II.1a Niwinski
Photo and panorama view VB 2021 (quality remarks)