Sources of inspiring shabti information
Due to all the names and references in various languages, this page is only available in English
This is Glenn Janes’ website. Janes is an authority in the field of shabtis and he creates comprehensive catalogues with excellent photos of the shabtis in Mid-England museums. He is also the author of the finest book to date about shabtis, ‘Shabtis: A Private View’.
The site gives a chronological overview of the development of shabtis, and an elaborate overview of the shabti formula. This information can also be used to decrypt inscriptions on other shabtis. The site also includes a clear overview of the attributes a shabti can have, supported with photos and approximate dates. Finally, it presents interesting links to museum sites with direct lists of shabti collections
This site contains a database with photos of shabtis from private collections, and it describes the details of every shabti. The site also discusses books, and the free publications of shabti researcher Niek de Haan can be downloaded here. De Haan has co-authored the ushebti book ‘Psamtek Son of Mery-Neith’
Awesome Spanish site of Moises Gonzalez Sucías from Spain with an enormous amount of information and a photo gallery with lots of shabti photos from various museums. So if you can understand Spanish, this is the place to be
More than 17.000 names and titles of published shabtis researched and published by Jean-Luc Chappaz. Jean-Luc Chappaz was an Egyptologist and curator in charge of the Egyptian Pharaonic and Ancient Sudan collections at the Museum of Art and History at Geneva
‘Must have’ books
Stewart, Harry M.
Egyptian Shabtis
(Shire Egyptology, 23). Princes Risborough, Buckinghamshire, Shire Books, 1995. 64 p., 52 ills.; pb. ISBN: 0747803013
Great booklet that discusses the development of shabtis in a clear and well-organised manner. The booklet contains a handy table to help identify and date shabtis.
Janes, Glenn
Shabtis: A Private View
Ancient Egyptian Funerary Statuettes in European Private Collections.
Paris, Cybele, 2002. 264 p., colour ills., with CD-ROM (PC only). ISBN 2951675828
Probably the most stunning publication ever about shabtis. With full-size photos of shabtis, back and front view. Its factual information is just as excellent, with an introduction by Prof. Hans D. Schneider, superb explanations and excellent references. Worth every penny. See
Janes, Glenn
The Amasis Collection
Shabtis and other artifacts from ancient Egypt
Manchester, 2020. 335 pages, hard back with many full colour and black and white photos.
The foreword of Jean Thomassen in this publication gives detailed information about the shabti art market over the last 60 years. In the book you will find high quality rare photo’s, research, references and background material about discoveries, shabtis, tombs, coffins and finding spots. This is a book for the library of serious dealers, collectors, musea and universities. See or Youtube
Books for expert shabti lovers
Aubert, L. – Bulte, J. – Yoyotte, J.
Les statuettes funéraires de la deuxième cachette à Deir El Bahari
Paris, Cybele, 1998. 144 p., 16 pls. ISBN 2951209207
Aubert, Jacques-F. – Aubert, Liliane
Statuettes funéraires égyptiennes du département des Monnaies, Médailles et Antiques 2005
Bibliothèque nationale de France, 16,5 x 24 cm, broché, 192 p., 294 ill. dont 10 en couleurs ISBN 2-7177-2304-8
Araujo, L.M.
Estatuetas funerárias Egípcias da XXI dinastia
p. 1116, Fundaçâo Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisboa, 2003 , ISBN: 972-31-1020-2
Bovot, Jean-Luc
Les serviteurs funéraires royaux et princiers de l’Ancienne Égypte
Paris, Réunion des Musées Nationaux, 2003. 451 p., 16 illustrations en couleur, 640 illustrations en noir et blanc; édition brochée ISBN : 2-7118-4564-8
Haan, Niek de – Waanders, Ingeborg
Psamtek son of Mery-Neith
Hard cover 157 p. Info:
Janes, Glenn
The Shabti Collections 1: West Park Museum, Macclesfield, soft cover 64 p.
The Shabti Collections 2: Warrington Museum and Art Gallery, soft cover 92 p.
The Shabti Collections 3: Rochdale Arts & Heritage Service, soft cover 98 p.
The Shabti Collections 4: Stockport Museums, soft cover 31 p.
The Shabti Collections 5: The Manchester Museum, soft cover 500 p.
Since the books are out of print, Glenn Janes has made the publication available online at a greatly reduced price since 2024. See here
The Shabti Collections 6: The Liverpool Museum, soft cover 590 p. Nearly 600 full-colour photographs, see example.
Kohl, Theresa
Diener für die Ewigkeit: Die Uschebti-Sammlung im Roemer- und Pelizaeus-Museum,
Hildesheim (Hildesheimer Ägyptologische Beiträge, Band 54)
Hard cover, 336 pages with photo’s of the illustrated shabti’s on CD, in total around 100 shabti’s and fragments (front, sides and back), written in German, issued in Juni 2018, ISBN-10: 3806788227, ISBN-13: 978-3806788228
Loffet, H.
La Collection Emmacha
Antiquités Egyptiennes. Tome 1 : Les shabtys et ouchebtys. Tome 2: Objets divers. coffret , 2 vol., 231 p, 287 p, relié
PARIS 2013, Réf : 16065
Schlögl, Hermann A.
Corpus der Ägyptischen Totenfiguren der öffentlichen Sammlungen Krakaus
Universitas Iagiellonica, Universitat Freiburg Schweiz, Krakow 2000, ISBN 83-7188-275-0, 293 pages (24×33 cm), B/W photographs, 250 vols. limited.
Schlögl, Hermann A. – Brodbeck, Andreas
Ägyptische Totenfiguren aus öffentlichen und privaten Sammlungen der Schweiz
(Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis, Series Archeologica, 7). Göttingen, Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht, 1990. 356 S., 1041 photos.
Sousa, Rogério (editor); Maria Cristina Guidotti, Marianne Zarli, Rogério Sousa, Deborah Vannucci and Kathlyn Cooney (contributers)
The tomb of the priests of Amun (aka Bab el-Gasus, Cache II); Gate of the Priests series Volume 1 (Book 97)
Burial Assemblages in the Egyptian Museum of Florence
Hardcover: 576 pages, publisher: BRILL (October 25, 2018), language: English, ISBN-10: 9004386491, ISBN-13: 978-9004386495
Uriach Torello, J.
AQUI ESTAMOS! Estatuillas funerarias egipcias de algunas colecciones de Barcelona
ISBN 10: 8409176661 / ISBN 13: 9788409176663, 242 pages, over 80 shabtis, 29 from various museums and 53 from private collections (36 from the author’s collection)
Published by Userkaf Patrimonial SL, Barcelona, 2020
Whelan, Paul
Mere Scraps of Rough Wood?
17th – 18th Dynasty Stick Shabtis in the Petrie Museum and Other Collections, 160p, many illus. (Golden House 2007), ISBN-13: 978-1-906137-00-7, ISBN-10: 1-906137-00-5, Paperback.
Yoyotte, Jean
Tanis l’or des pharaons, catalogue exposition (34 shabtis with some unique photo’s)
Paris, Grand-Palais (Reliure inconnue). Editeur : Association Française d’Action Artistique (1 mars 1987). Langue : Français ISBN-10: 2865450570 ISBN-13: 978-2865450572
Books for fanatics
Aubert, Jacques-F. – Aubert, Liliane
Statuettes égyptiennes: chaouabtis, ouchebtis
Paris, Librairie d’Amerique et d’ Orient, 1974.
Out of print, average price 300-500 euro (2015)
Newberry, Percy E.
Funerary Statuettes and Model Sarcophagi
Catalogue general des antiquites Egyptiennes du musee du Caire, No. 46530-48575, 1957, three volumes.
Out of print, average price complete set 750-1250 euro (2015)
Petrie, W. M. Flinders.
(Aris & Phillips 1974) 15pp., 45 plates (some tinted & colour) Quarto hardback with decorated dustwrapper.
Out of print, average price 100-200 euro (2015)
Schneider, Hans D.
An Introduction to the History of Ancient Egyptian Funerary Statuettes with a Catalogue of the Collection of Shabtis in the National Museum of Antiquities at Leiden. 3 volumes, Leiden, 1977.
Out of print, average price 500-750 euro (2015)
Speleers, Louis
Les Figurines Funeraires Egyptiennes
Foundation Universitaire de Belgique, Bruxelles, Les Editions Robert Sand, 1923, 5 p. l.. 188 p. plates. 25 cm.
Out of print, Pdf available on internet
Good to have
Araújo, Luís Manuel de
Antiguidades Egípcias Museu Nacional de Arqueologia Lisboa (> 50 shabtis)
IPM, 1993 Autor(es) : 31×24 cm; 402 pp.; 332 il. cor, 12 p/b; encadernado; ed. port.ISBN : 972-8137-00-1
Berlev, Oleg and Svetlana Hodjash,
Catalogue of the Monuments of Ancient Egypt (165 shabtis)
From the Museums of the Russian Federation Ukraine, Bielorussia, Caucasus, Middle Asia and the Baltic States / Katalog egipetskix pamqtnikov iz muzeev Rossijskoj Federacii, Ukrainy, Belorussii, Kavkaza, Srednej Azii i Pribaltiki, Fribourg (Switzerland), University Press / Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1998 = Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis. Series Archaeologica, 17. (23 x 32 cm; XIII, 328 p., pl.). ISBN 3-7278-1169-2 (pr. SF 120)/ 3-525-53898-7
Bietak, Manfred, Elfriede Haslauer (Author), Reiser (Author)
Das Grab des Anch-Hor Obersthofmeister d. Gottesgemahlin Nitokris: Teil II
(Denkschriften der Gesamtakademie) (German Edition) [Paperback]
1982, Paperback: 308 pages, Publisher: Austrian Academy of Sciences (December 31, 1987)
ISBN-10: 3700104448, ISBN-13: 978-3700104445
Bovot, Jean-Luc
Chaouabtis: Des travailleurs pharaoniqus pour l’éternité
Louvre 2003, 101pp. Catalogues d’exposition. Paris, Réunion des Musées Nationaux, 2003. 104 p., 60 illustrations en couleur, 60 illustrations en noir et blanc; édition brochée. ISBN : 2-7118-4607-5
Bovot, Jean-Luc
Dossier d’ Archeologie, mai 03.
Les Chaoutis serviteurs d’éternité
Les statuettes du Musée du Louvre et de Turin, 90 pp
Buhl, Marie-Louise
L`Art statuarie égyptien au Musée Thorvaldsen (21 shabtis)
Thorvaldsens museum, 2000, 70 pg. ISBN: 8775210924
Cavillier, Giacomo
Ushabti Di Militari Del Museo Egizio Di Firenze
(British Archaeological Reports International Series) Paperback: 101 pages, Publisher: British Archaeological Reports (10 Dec 2009), Language Italian, ISBN-10: 140730609X, ISBN-13: 978-1407306094
Chappaz, Jean-Luc
Aegyptiaca Hevetica – Les figurines funéraires égyptiennes du musée d’art et d’histoire – Geneve
(et de quelques collections privées), 1982, ISBN 2-8306-0004-5
Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge
Loose leaf
Grenier, Jean-Claude
Les statuettes funeraires de museo Gregoriano Egizio
Haarlem, W.M. van
Corpus Antiquitatum Aegyptiacarum
Allard Pierson Museum Amsterdam Volume 1-2 – Shabtis
Loose leaf, ISBN 90-71211-17-7
Haynes, Joyce L.
Shabtis (Privately Owned Egyptian Antiquities in Ontario)
Fasc.1; Society for the Study of Egyptian Antiquities Publications, 7). Toronto, Benben Publications, 1983. Loose-leaf. ISBN 920168-03-5.
Heidelberger, Harry
Ägyptische Totenfiguren in der Antikensammlung des Münzkabinetts Winterthur hrsg. von P. Kaplony und Ch. Zindel, Zürich u. Winterthur 1985 (Ägyptologische Hefte des Orientalischen Seminars der Universität Zürich, 1). 86 Seiten, Textabb., 9 Tafeln.
Hodjash, S.
The Way to Immortality (266 shabtis)
Monuments of Egyptian Art from the Collection of the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts (Moscow, 2002) pg. 105 – pg. 157, +/- 50% Late Period
Liebighaus Museum Alter Plastik
Ägyptische Bildwerke, Band II: Statuetten, Gefässe und Geräte
von Droste zu Hülshoff, Vera / Hofmann, Eva / Schlick – Nolte, Birgit / Seidlmayer, Stephan Melsungen, Gutenberg, 1993 466 pages with many b/w-illustrations, clothbound with illustrated jacket ISBN-3-87280-078-7
Martin, Geoffrey Thorndiken
The Royal Tomb at El-ʻAmarna: The objects > 200 fragments of Akhenaton shabtis
EES, London, 1974. Hardcover. Book Condition: 1st Edition. 19+ 123 pages, 63 plates
Out of print, average price 175-300 euro (2016)
Moinet, Eric
Antiquités Egyptiennes, Musée Joseph Déchelette (69 shabtis)
Chaouabtis et ouchebtis, pg. 92 – pg. 155
Montet, Pierre.
Kêmi. Revue de philologie et d’archéologie égyptiennes et coptes.
Tome IX. La nécropole des rois tanites (18 shabtis)
Paris, 1942, 96 p., 30 planches
Naguib, Saphinaz Amal
Corpus Antiquitatum Aegyptiacarum.
Etnografisk Museum Oslo. Volume 1, Funerary Statuettes. Mainz am Rhein
Philipp von Zabern, 1985. 16 S., 81 Einzelblätter mit Text, 81 Abbildung(en), 282 Fotos. ISBN 3-8053-0816-7
Perdu, Olivier ; Rickal, Elsa
La Collection égyptienne du musée de Picardie (98 shabtis)
Langue: Français Éditeur : Réunion des Musées Nationaux (1994). Format : Broché – 197 pages. ISBN : 2711832260
Petersen, L.
Uschebti. Ägyptische Fundstücke in Freiburg
MINICH 2004 26 p, 7 pl, 19 x 22 cm, broché
Pumpenmeier, Frauke
Eine Gunstgabe von seiten des Königs
Ein extrasepulkrales Schabtidepot Qen-Amuns in Abydos.
(Studien zur Archäologie und Geschichte Altägyptens, 19). Heidelberg, Heidelberger Orientverlag, 1998. X + 108 S., 34 Abb., 12 Tafeln mit 49 Photos. ISBN 3927552313
Rannou, Eric
Collections égyptiennes : époque pharaonique (43 shabtis)
175 p. : illustrations en noir et en couleurs. Fruit d’une dizaine d’années de recherches, ce catalogue scientifique fait le point de la recherche sur les collections pharaoniques du musée des beaux-arts de Rennes, menée par Eric Rannou, égyptologue. Il est précédé par un parcours des collections égyptiennes à Rennes depuis ces deux derniers siècles. Published: January 1999. ISBN: 290143035X
Reiser-Haslauer, Elfriede
Corpus Antiquitatum Aegyptiacarum. Loseblattausgabe, herausgegeben vom Kunsthistorisches Museum
Ägyptisch-Orientalische Sammlung, Wien. Lieferung 5 – Uschebti I
Mainz am Rhein, Philipp von Zabern, 1990. 12 S., 131 Blätter mit 79 Seiten Text, 323 Fotos, 35 Abbildung(en). ISBN 3-8053-1155-9
Reiser-Haslauer, Elfriede
Corpus Antiquitatum Aegyptiacarum. Loseblattausgabe, herausgegeben vom Kunsthistorisches Museum
Ägyptisch-Orientalische Sammlung, Wien. Lieferung 8 – Uschebti II
Mainz am Rhein, Philipp von Zabern, 1990. 16 S., 135 Blätter mit 91 Seiten Text, 368 Fotos, 55 Strichabbildungen. ISBN 3-8053-1290-3.
Schlögl, Hermann A. – Christa Meves-Schlögl
Uschebti – Arbeiter im Ägyptischen Totenreich
Schlögl, Hermann A.
Die Ägyptischen Totenfiguren
Katalog aus den Sammlungen des National Museums in Poznan, National Museum in Poznan 2006, 74 pages (21,5×28,5 cm), bilingual (Polish-German) text, photographs, drawings, tables, bibliography
Schlögl, Hermann A. – Michel Sguaitamatti
Arbeiter des Jenseits, Ägyptische Totenfiguren (Uschebtis)
(1984) ISBN 3-7228-0675-3 or ISBN 3-525-53657-7
Schlögl, Hermann A.
Geschichte und Wege
Notizen zu Ägyptischen Totenstatuetten und anderen Kleinfunden. Verlag Michael Haase, Berlin 2012 ISBN 978-3-9814044-2-5,, Format: 14,8 x 21 cm, Paperback,, 176 Seiten, 158 Schwarzweißabbildungen, 16 Farbtafeln
Valbelle, Dominique
Ouchebtis de Deir-Medineh
vi + 87 pp. & 31 plates, folio, stiff wrps. (Documents de Fouilles, 15). Le Caire, IFAO, (1972)
Egyptian collections with more than 20 documented shabtis
Aufrere S.,
Collections Egyptiennes. Musée de Rouen
ROUEN 1987 243 p, pl, 24 x 18 cm, broché réf : 1203, 44 photo’s, 47 descriptions, no glyph’s or transliteration
Bolla, Margherita
Arte e Culture Dell’Antico Egitto nel Museo Archeologico di Verona
27 photo’s bw, 3 clr 40pp, Montepulciano, 2007
Bresciani, Edda
Egypt in India (more than 90 shabtis)
Egyptian Antiquities in Indian Museums. This catalogue precisely deals with unprecedented and mostly unexhibited collections belonging to eight museums. The book constitutes a great event for Egyptological studies, since it publishes about 700 items, such as reliefs and stele with hieroglyphic texts, statues, mummy sarcophagi and cartonnages, bronzes, amulets, jewels, terracottas and Coptic fabrics. 320 pg. ISBN 88-8492-189-9
Einoudi, Silvia
Egitto Nacosto – Collezioni e collezionisti dai musei piemontesi (more than 25 shabtis)
P. 192. Illustrazioni a colori
Laurent, Veronique
Antiquités égyptiennes. Inventaire des collections du Musée des Beaux-Arts de Dijon (79 shabtis)
DIJON 1997 328 p, 21 x 27 cm, broché, ill. 5 9 9 0 réf : Dijon 1997
Lise, Giorgio
Musei e gallerie di Milano Museo Archeologico raccolta Egizia
Monnet Saleh, Janine
Les antiquités égyptiennes de Zagreb
PARIS 1970 206 p, 22,5 x 31 cm, relié réf : 11048 P. 127, 162, 110 photo’s, 187 descriptions, all glyph’s on the shabtis very well drawn. Only NewKingdom and Late Period shabtis.
Page-Gasser, Madeleine et Wiese, André B.
ÉGYPTE. Moments d’éternité. Art égyptien dans les collections privées, Suisse
Publié à l’occasion d’une exposition présentée par le Musée d’art et d’histoire, Musée Rath, du 25 septembre 1997 au 11 janvier 1998 Editeur(s) : Genève, Musée d’art et d’histoire 1997, FRANÇAIS, Dimensions : 21,6 x 23,5 cm. Nombre de pages : VIII-340 – ISBN : 3-8053-2387-5
Picchie, D.
Tutte le anime della mummia
La vita oltre la morte ai tempi di Sety I Copertina flessibile
20 nov 2009, 112 pagine, Lingua: Italiano, ISBN-10: 8880242571, ISBN-13: 978-8880242574
Rosalie, David A. and Macclesfield Museum
The Macclesfield Collection of Egyptian Antiquities (43 shabtis)
Binding: Hardcover, Publisher: Aris & Phillips, Date Published: 1980 ISBN-13: 9780856681295, ISBN: 0856681296, Languages: English
Schweitzer, Annie – Traunecker, Claude
Strasbourg, Musée archéologique: antiquités égyptiennes de la collection G. Schlumberger (25 shabtis well documented)
Year: 1998 ISBN-10: 2-7118-3686-X / 271183686X (similar ISBNs) ISBN-13/EAN: 9782711836864
Thomassen, Jean
Zwendel in de kunst- en antiekhandel (various shabtis (+/- 60), genuine and fake, moderate black and white photos, the accompanying text is in Dutch and describes the provenance and journey of various pieces and discusses forgeries that appeared on the market)
2007, Uitgeverij Aspekt, ISBN-10: 90-5911-285-7, ISBN 13: 978-90-5911-285-8
Research in the Manchester and Garstang Museum – Ciska, Glenn, Niek and Dik