Egyptian Papyrus updates

June 28, 2024
Identified Book of Breathing for the lady Khar
This papyrus had been published as “unidentified” on this site until June 2024. Thanks to Cyprian Fong, a PhD Candidate at the University of Basel, I was able to add the correct information

June 23, 2024
Identifying papyri on your smartphone
Page ‘Floor plan Papyri Egyptian Museum in Cairo (EMC)’ finished

May 7, 2024
Identifying papyri on your smartphone
Start made to make it easy for visitors to the Egyptian Museum in Cairo to recognise papyri

May 6, 2024
Identified Satirical Papyrus
This papyrus had been published as “unidentified” on this site until May 2024. Thanks to Jan Koek (Mehen) I was able to add the correct information

May 6, 2024
Identified The Book of the Faiyum, Boulaq 1
This papyrus had been published as “unidentified” on this site until May 2024. Thanks to Jan Koek (Mehen) I was able to add the correct information

May 5, 2024
Identified The instructions of Any, Boulaq 4
This papyrus had been published as “unidentified” on this site until May 2024. Thanks to Kiki Freriks, a student at the RMO in Leiden I was able to add the correct information

February 24, 2024
Added Deification decree of Amun for Pinedjem II
from black and white images of the publication of  Catalogue général des antiquités égyptiennes du Musée du Caire No. 58001-58036 Papyrus Hieratiques, Golenischeff 1927

February 23, 2024
Deification decree of Amun for Nesykhonsu
The black and white images (6) of Maspero 1889 legibly included. The first 5 sheets show the front of the papyrus and page 6 is on the back at the bottom of the papyrus. Also included is a link to the Catalogue général des antiquités égyptiennes du Musée du Caire No. 58001-58036 Papyrus Hieratiques

January 9, 2024
Amduat papyrus for Bakenmut (I)
21st Dynasty, Cairo 68, Bab el Gasus
Discovered by Jan and Bep Koek in the Cairo Airport Museum, Terminal 3
Photos courtesy Jan Koek, 2023
Panorama view VB 2024

December 31, 2023
Anonymous Amduat papyrus 9th to 12th Hour plus Abrégé
21st Dynasty, Cairo 97, Bab el Gasus
Two parts, one in Alexandria and one in Cairo
One of the most detailed Amduat papyri

Photos VB 2021-2023
Panorama view VB 2023

September 23, 2023
Book of the Dead papyrus for Imenemsaf
21st Dynasty, BD 3292, Paris 38
Louvre Collections
Photo © 2010 Musée du Louvre / Georges Poncet
Panorama view VB 2023

September 22, 2023
Anonymous Amduat papyrus 12th Hour
21st Dynasty, BA 3194, Cortona 1
Museo dell’Accademia Etrusca e della Città di Cortona
Photo Wikimedia Commons
Panorama view VB 2023

September 21, 2023
Anonymous Book of the Dead
Ptolemaic Period, BD 3184
Museo dell’Accademia Etrusca e della Città di Cortona
Photo Wikimedia Commons
Panorama view VB 2023

September 15, 2023
Papyrus for Henuttawy, daughter of Hor B&G and granddaughter of HPA Menkherrere A
Virginia Museum, Richmond, USA
Photos and panoramaview VB 2023

September 15, 2023
Photo location and extra panorama with 2023 photos added for the papyrus for Hori
Museum of Art, Cleveland
VB 2023

September 13, 2023
Photo location and extra panorama with 2023 photos added for the papyrus for Nauny
Metropolitan, New York
VB 2023

September 12, 2023
Photo added for location papyrus BA Gautseshenu, BD Gautseshenu, BD Ty, BA Djedmutiusankh A
Metropolitan, New York
VB 2023

September 11, 2023
Photo added for location papyrus Sethnakht, Nauny, Nesetaset, BA Henuttawy C, BD Henuttawy C
Metropolitan, New York
VB 2023

September 9, 2023
Papyrus for Asety B&G
Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago
Photos and panoramaview VB 2023

August 6, 2023
Papyrus for Khonsumes
Département des Manuscrits. Egyptien no. 153-155
Photos: Bibliothèque nationale de France
Panorama view VB 2023

August 5, 2023
Papyrus for Amenemwia
Département des Manuscrits. Egyptien no. 33-37
Photos: Bibliothèque nationale de France
Panorama view VB 2023

August 4, 2023
Papyrus for Seamen
Département des Manuscrits. Egyptien no. 1
Photos: Bibliothèque nationale de France
Panorama view VB 2023

August 4, 2023
Papyrus for Ankhesenaset
Département des Manuscrits. Egyptien no. 62-88
Photos: Bibliothèque nationale de France
Panorama view VB 2023

August 3, 2023
Papyrus for Sutymes
Département des Manuscrits. Egyptien no. 38-45
Photos: Bibliothèque nationale de France
Panorama view VB 2023

August 2, 2023
Papyrus for Khonsumes
Département des Manuscrits. Egyptien no. 20-23
Photos: Bibliothèque nationale de France
Panorama view VB 2023

August 1, 2023
Papyrus for Paser
Département des Manuscrits. Egyptien no. 158-161
Photos: Bibliothèque nationale de France
Panorama view VB 2023

May 4, 2023
Papyrus for Isetemkhebit
British Museum, BM 9903
Photos © The Trustees of the British Museum
Panorama view VB 2023

May 4, 2023
Papyrus for Nebseni
British Museum, BM 9900, 23.6 metres
Photos © The Trustees of the British Museum
Panorama view VB 2023

May 3, 2023
Papyrus for Djedkhonsuiuesankh
Louvre, N.3280
Photos right side (frame 1) VB 2023
Photos left side © Musee de Louvre
Panorama view VB 2023

April 24, 2023
Papyrus for Nakht
British Museum, BM 10471, 14.3 metres
Photos © The Trustees of the British Museum
Panorama view VB 2023

April 19, 2023
Papyrus for Tentshedmut
British Museum, BM 9970
Photo © The Trustees of the British Museum
Panorama view VB 2023

April 19, 2023
Papyrus for Nesmutaaneru
British Museum, BM 9982
Photo © The Trustees of the British Museum
Panorama view VB 2023

March 9, 2023
Anonymous Amduat papyrus
Museo Egizio Cat. 1778
Composed of photo Museo Egizio
Panorama view VB 2023

March 9, 2023
Papyrus for Henuttawy
British Museum, BM 10018
Photos © The Trustees of the British Museum
Panorama view VB 2023

March 8, 2023
Sheets from the Book of the Dead for Chonsuiu
BD AS 3856-58, AS 3862, AS 3866 e.o.
Kunsthistorisches Museum
Ägyptisch-Orientalische Sammlung
Photos and panorama view VB 2022/2023

February 23, 2023
Demotic contract papyrus
AS 3874, Ägyptisch-Orientalische Sammlung Vienna
Photos and panorama view VB 2022/2023

February 23, 2023
Hermias trial papyrus
AS 3872, Ägyptisch-Orientalische Sammlung, Vienna
Photos and panorama view VB 2022/2023

February 23, 2023
Book of the Dead for Taruma
BD Aeg. 00065
Papyrussammlung der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek
Photos and panorama view VB 2022/2023

February 21, 2023
Book of the Dead for Senuseret
BD Aeg 10.994-10.997
Papyrussammlung der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek
Photos and panorama view VB 2022/2023

February 20, 2023
Amduat papyrus for Khonsumes
BA AS.3859, Vienna 1
Ägyptisch-Orientalische Sammlung
Photos and panorama view VB 2022/2023

February 17, 2023
Deification decree of Amun
Royal Cache
Photos: Maspero 1889

February 17, 2023
Book of the Dead for Khaaesenaset
Ptolemaic Period
BD AS.3854, Vienna
Ägyptisch-Orientalische Sammlung
Photos and panorama view VB 2022/2023

February 13, 2023
Book of the Dead for Paynefernefer
Middle or late 21st Dynasty
BD AS.3860, Vienna
Ägyptisch-Orientalische Sammlung
Photos and panorama view VB 2022/2023

February 5, 2023
Hymnen for Osiris, the God of the afterlife
Early Ptolemaic Period
BD P.3057, Berlin
Neues Museum Berlin
Photos and panorama view VB 2022

February 4, 2023
Book of the Dead papyrus for Tarudj named Naynay
Early Ptolemaic Period
BD P.3008, Berlin
Neues Museum Berlin
Photos and panorama view VB 2022

February 3, 2023
Coffin text for Sedech
Middle Kingdom, 12th Dynasty
P.10482, Berlin
Neues Museum Berlin
Photos and panorama view VB 2022

February 3, 2023
Book of the Dead papyrus for Neferini
Ptolemaic Period
BD P.10477, Berlin
Neues Museum Berlin
Photos and panorama view VB 2022

February 1, 2023
Book of the Dead papyrus for Keku
Ptolemaic Period
BD P.3003, Berlin 
Neues Museum Berlin
Photos and panorama view VB 2022

January 30, 2023
Amduat papyrus for Amenhotep
BA P.3005, Berlin 3
Neues Museum Berlin
Photos and panorama view VB 2022

December 29, 2022
Amduat papyrus for Nesamen
Museo Egizio Cat. 1780
Composed of photo Museo Egizio
Panorama view VB 2022

October 19, 2022
Book of the Dead for Mutkhati
Museo Egizio Cat. 1862 -3
Composed of photo Museo Egizio
Panorama view VB 2022

October 13, 2022
Amduat papyrus for Amenkhau
Museo Egizio Cat. 1789
Composed of photo Museo Egizio
Panorama view VB 2022

October 13, 2022
Anonymous Amduat papyrus
Museo Egizio Cat. 1788
Composed of photo Museo Egizio
Panorama view VB 2022

October 12, 2022
Amduat papyrus for Mutregh / Mutrudj
Museo Egizio Cat. 1787
Composed of photo Museo Egizio
Panorama view VB 2022

October 12, 2022
Anonymous Amduat papyrus
Museo Egizio Cat. 1786
Composed of photo Museo Egizio
Panorama view VB 2022

October 12, 2022
Amduat papyrus for Pyner
Museo Egizio Cat. 1785
Composed of photo Museo Egizio
Panorama view VB 2022

October 8, 2022
Amduat papyrus for Tanedjemetmut
Museo Egizio Cat. 1784
Composed of photo Museo Egizio
Panorama view VB 2022

October 8, 2022
Anonymous Amduat papyrus
Museo Egizio Cat. 1783
Ninth, tenth, eleventh and twelfth hour

Composed of photos Museo Egizio
Panorama view VB 2022

October 7, 2022
Amduat papyrus for Djehutymes
Museo Egizio Cat. 1781
Composed of photo Museo Egizio
Panorama view VB 2022

October 7, 2022
Amduat papyrus for Padief
Museo Egizio Cat. 1777
Composed of photo Museo Egizio
Panorama view VB 2022

October 6, 2022
Anonymous Amduat papyrus
Museo Egizio Cat. 1776
Ninth, tenth, eleventh and twelfth hour

Composed of photos Museo Egizio
Panorama view VB 2022

October 6, 2022
Amduat papyrus for Nesamen
Museo Egizio Cat. 1780
Composed of photo Museo Egizio
Panorama view VB 2022

September 18, 2022
Book of the Dead for Aaneru
Museo Egizio Cat. 1771
Composed of photo Museo Egizio
Panorama view VB 2022

September 18, 2022
Amduat papyrus for Meshasebeq
Museo Egizio Cat. 1769
Composed of photo Museo Egizio
Panorama view VB 2022

September 17, 2022
Book of the Dead papyrus for Nebhepet, son of the famous Butamun
Museo Egizio Cat. 1768
Photos website Museo Egizio
Panorama view VB 2022

September 17, 2022
Amduat papyrus for Djedkhonsuiuefankh
Museo Egizio Cat. 1779
Composed of photos Museo Egizio
Panorama view VB 2022

September 16, 2022
Page : Book of the Dead papyrus for Qenna
17 metres
RMO, Leiden
Photos and panorama view VB 2022

July 12, 2022
Amduat papyrus for Queen Henuttawy A, wife of Pinedjem I
Composed of photos of facsimile Boulaq Museum 1876
Panorama view VB 2022

July 11, 2022
Book of the Dead papyrus for Nauny
Probably daughter of Pinedjem I
Metropolitan Museum, New York 30.3.31
Composed of various b/w and colour photos
Panorama view VB 2022

Nauny, daughter Pinedjem I, 21st Dynasty

July 11, 2022
Book of the Dead papyrus for Queen Henuttawy A, wife of Pinedjem I
Composed of photos of facsimile Boulaq Museum 1876
Panorama view VB 2022

July 9, 2022
Amduat papyrus for Nauny
Probably daughter of Pinedjem I
Metropolitan Museum, New York 30.3.32
Composed of photos
Panorama view VB 2022

June 20, 2022
Amduat papyrus for Horemakhbit
BA P.3001, Berlin 1
Neues Museum Berlin
Panorama view VB 2022 (quality remarks)

May 23, 2022
Amduat papyrus for Sesech
BA P.3147, Berlin 23
Neues Museum Berlin
Panorama view VB 2022 (quality remarks)

May 23, 2022
Amduat papyrus for Nesyamennesettawy
BA P.3153, Berlin 26
Neues Museum Berlin
Panorama view VB 2022 (quality remarks)

May 23, 2022
Amduat papyrus for Amenemwia
BA P.3127, Berlin 18
Neues Museum Berlin
Panorama view VB 2022 (quality remarks)

May 4, 2022
Black and white panorama of the Book of the Dead papyrus for Nesykhonsu
Royal Cache
Source: Publication Edouard Naville, 1912

May 3, 2022
Black and white panorama of the Book of the Dead papyrus for Maatkara
Royal Cache
Source: Publication Edouard Naville, 1912

April 27, 2022
First part of the Book of the Dead papyrus for Queen Nodjmet in the Louvre Museum added to the one in London BM 10541
Louvre Museum, E.6258
Panorama view VB 2022

April 26, 2022
Second part of the Book of the Dead papyrus for Queen Nodjmet
Royal Cache
British Museum, BM 10541
Panorama view VB 2022

April 26, 2022
Funerary papyrus for Queen Nodjmet
Royal Cache
British Museum, BM 10490 1-5
Panorama view VB 2022

April 25, 2022
Funerary papyrus for Sethnakht
19th Dyn.
Metropolitan Museum, New York 35.919a-e
Panorama view VB 2022

April 25, 2022
Amduat papyrus for Nesamen
Metropolitan Museum, New York 26.2.51
Panorama view VB 2022

April 25, 2022
Book of the Dead for Ty
Metropolitan Museum, New York 25.3.34
Composed of photos
Panorama view VB 2022

April 25, 2022
Amduat papyrus for Ty
Metropolitan Museum, New York 25.3.33
Composed of photos
Panorama view VB 2022

April 25, 2022
Page Book of the Dead Gautseshenu
Metropolitan Museum, New York 25.3.32
Composed of photos
Panorama view VB 2022

April 25, 2022
Page Papyrus Nesetaset
MMA60, Winlock 1924
Metropolitan Museum, New York, 25.3.30
Panorama view: VB 2022

April 24, 2022
Page Papyrus Henuttawy C
MMA60, Winlock 1924
Metropolitan Museum, New York, 25.3.29
Panorama view: VB 2022

April 24, 2022
Page Papyrus Djedmutiusankh
MMA60, Winlock 1924
Metropolitan Museum, New York, 25.3.27
Panorama view: VB 2022

April 24, 2022
Page Papyrus Henuttawy C
MMA60, Winlock 1924
Metropolitan Museum, New York, 25.3.28
Panorama view: VB 2022

April 23, 2022
Page Papyrus Khonsuenrenep
Book of the Dead
Bab el Gasus A.120
Field Museum, Chicago, 31759
Panorama view: VB 2022

April 23, 2022
Page Papyrus Hori
Book of the Dead
21th Dyn – Cleveland 2
Museum of Art, 21.1032
Panorama view: VB 2022

April 23, 2022
Page Papyrus Tayuhenutmut
22th Dyn – Chigaco 3 18039
Panorama view: VB 2022

April 19, 2022
Page Pinedjem II
British Museum, London EA10793 (1 sheet)
Panorama view VB 2022

April 19, 2022
Page Gautseshenu
Metropolitan Museum, New York 25.3.31
Composed of photos
Panorama view VB 2022

April 18, 2022
Page Amduat papyrus for Hunefer
British Museum EA9901-1 to EA9901-8
5,5 metres
Composed of photos © The Trustees of the British Museum
Panorama view VB 2022

April 17, 2022
Book of the Dead papyrus for Ani
British Museum EA10470-1 to EA10470-37
23,5 metres
Composed of photos © The Trustees of the British Museum
Panorama view VB 2022

April 12, 2022
Page Amduat papyrus for Henuttawy B – Cairo 2
Daughter of Pinedjem I and Henuttawy A
Cairo Museum
Photo and panorama view VB 2021/2022

April 12, 2022
Page Amduat papyrus for Henuttawy B – Cairo 3
Daughter of Pinedjem I and Henuttawy A
Cairo Museum
Photo and panorama view VB 2021/2022

April 11, 2022
Page Papyrus for Ankhesenmut
Probably from Bab el Gasus
Cairo Museum
Photo and panorama view VB 2021/2022

April 10, 2022
Retake Nesytaudjatakhet papyrus – Cairo 21
Amduat papyrus for Nesytaudjatakhet
Photos and panorama views VB 2021/2022

April 10, 2022
Retake Menkheperra B papyrus – Cairo 5
Amduat papyrus for Menkheperra B A.147
Photos and panorama views VB 2021/2022

April 9, 2022
Retake Isetemkhebit papyrus – Cairo 18
Amduat papyrus for Isetemkhebit A.126
Photos and panorama views VB 2021/2022

April 9, 2022
Retake Makaekra papyrus – Cairo 13
Amduat papyrus for Makaekra
Photos and panorama views VB 2021/2022

April 6, 2022
Unidentified papyrus 24-A
Cairo Museum, Room 24
Photos and panorama views VB 2021/2022

April 6, 2022
Unidentified papyrus 24-B (Identified 12-2023, see here)
Cairo Museum, Room 24
Photos and panorama views VB 2021/2022

April 6, 2022
Page Amenhotep papyrus – Cairo 12
Retake Amduat papyrus for Amenhotep
Cairo Museum
Photos and panorama view VB 2021/2022

April 5, 2022
Page Amduat papyrus Djedkhonsuiufankh
Daressy A-no. not attributed
See also
Shabtis Bab el Gasus
Length 354 cm, height 22 cm
Cairo Museum
Photo and panorama view: VB 2021

April 4, 2022
Page Amenhotep papyrus – Cairo 9
Retake Book of the Dead papyrus Amenhotep
Cairo Museum
VB September 2021

April 4, 2022
Page Nespaneferher papyrus – Cairo 66
Retake Amduat papyrus for Nespaneferher
Cairo Museum
VB September 2021

March 30, 2022
Unidentified papyrus A
Unidentified papyrus B
Unidentified papyrus C
Unidentified papyrus D
Room 51 above the stairs and toilets
Cairo Museum

March 29, 2022
Page Unidentified papyrus E
Room 51 above the stairs and toilets
Cairo Museum

March 8, 2022
Page Book of the Dead papyrus Maiherperi
Kings Valley KV36
Cairo Museum

February 14, 2022
Page Amduat papyrus Taudjatra
Bab el Gasus, length 380 cm, height 28 cm
Cairo Museum

February 13, 2022
Page Amduat papyrus Nestanebettawy
Bab el Gasus
Length 429 cm, height 22.5 cm
Cairo Museum

February 12, 2022
Page Amduat papyrus Amenhatpamecha
Bab el Gasus
Length 388 cm, height 23 cm
Cairo Museum

February 8, 2022
Page Amduat papyrus Khonsuenrenep
Bab el Gasus
Length 430 cm, height 25.5 cm
Cairo Museum

February 5, 2022
Page Anonymous Amduat papyrus
Bab el Gasus
Length 176 cm, height 24 cm
Cairo Museum

January 7, 2022
Page Papyrus Yuya :
Panorama view of the magnificent 20-metre-long papyrus of Yuya, important advisor to Amenhotep III in the 18th Dynasty and probably the great-grandfather of Tutankhamun, has been on display since the beginning of 2019. It is the fourth longest papyrus in the world and the longest ever exhibited in Egypt

January 5, 2022
Page Papyri :
Relevant publications added and a link to the Prof. Dr. Siegfried Schott (1897-1971) photo archive with old photo’s of papyri in the Cairo Museum

January 5, 2022
Page Papyrus Nesykhonsu, Luxor Museum :
Added a panorama made from photos (scans) from the beginning of the 20e century from the Schott archive

January 5, 2022
Page Djedmutiusankh papyrus – Cairo 60 :
Retake photo and panorama December 2021

December 20, 2021
Page Amduat papyrus Nesykhonsu
Bab el Gasus
Length 124 cm, height 24 cm
Luxor Museum

December 16, 2021
Page Book of the Dead papyrus Tauseretempernesu
Bab el Gasus
Length 121 cm, height 21 cm
Luxor Museum

November 18, 2021
Page Amduat papyrus Sjedsuhor
Bab el Gasus
Length 445 cm, height 23 cm
Cairo Museum

November 15, 2021
Page Book of the Dead papyrus Sjedsuhor
Bab el Gasus
Length 523 cm, height 23 cm
Cairo Museum

September 5, 2021
Page Papyrus Nestanebetisheru Royal Cache
The framed sections of the  37 metres long Book of the Dead of Nestanebetisheru combined in one single slider
British Museum, London

August 21, 2021
Page Papyri
For the first time, it is possible to consult online 65 papyri very closely for study, publication or research. Many of the papyri shown were found with the grave goods or with the mummies of the Bab el Gasus Cache. See the Papyri page

Best to view on a desktop or laptop. Phones or tablets are less suitable for a proper projection

Example: Amduat papyrus for Djedmaatiusankh, length 146 cm, height 23 cm.
BA S.R.IV.542 = JE 95645, Cairo 8, Type A.III.1b Niwinski
Photo and panorama view VB 2021 (quality remarks)