Nestanebettawy papyrus – Cairo 115
Nestanebettawy – ns-tA-nbt-tAwy
Daressy A.9 – Bab el Gasus, no shabtis attributed
Also known as Nestanebtawy, Nesitanebtaui, Nestanebettaouy
Ranke I, pg. 179, 16
The name means ‘She who belongs to the Lady of the Two Lands’
Mistress of the house, Chantress of Amen-Re, the king of the gods
BA S.R.VII.11493, Cairo 115, upstairs room 24
Amduat papyrus for Nestanebettawy
Amduat papyrus for Nestanebettawy, length 429 cm, height 22.5 cm
BA S.R.VII.11493, Cairo 115, Type A.III.1b Niwinski
See Mythological Papyri 1957, Piankoff and Rambova Plate 8, for description see page 93-103
Photo and panorama view VB 2021 (quality remarks)