Floor plan Papyri Egyptian Museum in Cairo (EMC)

The purpose of this page is to help visitors to the Egyptian Museum in Cairo easily look up information about papyri they are viewing. With the exception of some small papyri in room 29, all papyri on display in the museum are recorded here (period 2021-2023)

How to use in three steps

  1. Determine which room you are
  2. Click on the room link below
  3. Click on the image with the papyrus

Ground floor

No papyri on display here, only in the staircases

First floor, in yellow the papyri locations

Room 51 is on the west side next to room 46
Room 57 is on the east side of room 50

Source floor plan interactive map Egyptian Museum in Cairo (EMC)

Room 1 – stairs


Anonymous – 74 – Room 1

Userhatmes – 62 – Room 1

Djedmutiuesankh – 60 – Room 1

Anonymous – 72 – Room 1

Djedmutiuesankh – 57 – Room 1

Nesypawtytawy – 75 – Room 1

Amenhatpamecha – 67 – Room 1

Nespaneferher – 66 – Room 1

Khonsuemheb – 65 – Room 1

Padiamon II – 69 – Room 1

Meretamen – 64 – Room 1

Amenniutnakht – 61 – Room 1

Gautseshenu B – 58 – Room 1

Tadimut – 71 – Room 1

Dikhonsuiry – 73 – Room 1

Room 5 – stairs

Userhatmes – 86 – Room 5

Tadimut – 88 – Room 5

Djedkhonsuiuesankh – 84 – Room 5

Anonymous – 93 – Room 5

Isety – 76 – Room 5

Djedptahiufankh – 83 – Room 5

Dyrepu – 92 – Room 5

Anonymous – 82 – Room 5

Pasebakhaenniut – 78 – Room 5

Herytubekhet – 91 – Room 5

Herytubekhet – 89 – Room 5

Tjanefer – 81 – Room 5

Tashedkhonsu – 77 – Room 5

Amenmes – 87 – Room 5

Room 17

Maiherperi – Room 17

Room 20, 25
hallway east

Yuya – Room 20-25

Room 24

Shedsuhor – 121 – Room 24

Taudjatra – 122 – Room 24

Khonsuenrenep – 123 – Room 24

Nestanebettawy – 115 – Room 24

Shedsuhor – 116 – Room 24

Amenhatpamecha – 117 – Room 24

unidentified – Room 24

Nesypernub – 110 – Room 24

Pinedjem I – 111 – Room 24

Anonymous – 97 Part II – Room 24

Panebenkemetnakht – 128 – Room 24

Nestanebettawy – 126 – Room 24

Taudjatra – 118 – Room 24

Nesytaudjatakhet – 119 – Room 24

Djedkhonsuiuefankh – 120 – Room 24

Isetemkhebit – 112 – Room 24

Anonymous – 113 – Room 24

Pinedjem II – 114 – Room 24

Room 29

Amenhotep – 9 – Room 29

Djedmaatiuesankh – 8 – Room 29

Khonsuemheb – 7 – Room 29

Amenhotep – 12 – Room 29

Kerynakhtesenkhonsu – 11 – Room 29

Nesykhonsu – 10 – Room 29

Makaekra – 13 – Room 29

Nespasfy – Room 29

Iset (Isis) – 14 – Room 29

Anonymous – Room 29​

Iset / Taaatemperimen – 15 – Room 29

Djoser – Room 29

Isetemkhebit – 1 – Room 29

Herytubekhet – 17 – Room 29

Djedmaatiuesankh – 16 – Room 29

Nesytaudjatakhet – 21 – Room 29

Djedkhonsuiuefankh – 20 – Room 29

Ankhefenkhonsu – 19 – Room 29

Henuttawy B – 2 – Room 29

Henuttawy B – 3 – Room 29

Ankhesenmut – 4 – Room 29

Menkheperra B – 5 – Room 29

Djedameniufankh – 6 – Room 29

Instruction of Any, Boulaq 4 – Room 29

Satirical Papyrus – Room 29

Book of the Faiyum – Room 29

Room 51 – south-west

Unidentified D – Room 51

Unidentified B – Room 51

Boulaq 7 – Room 51

Unidentified A – Room 51

Khar – Room 51

Djedkhonsuiuefankh – 96 – Room 51

Padiamon – 107 – Room 51

Ankhefenmut C – 103 – Room 51

Pasebakhaenniut – 102 – Room 51

Nespakashuty – 101 – Room 51

Room 56 – south-east

Padiamon – 106 – Room 56

Tentosorkon – 25 – Room 56

Room 57 – south-east

Bakenmut (I) – 45 – Room 57

Tauhenut– 80 – Room 57

Anonymous – 85 – Room 57