Padiamon papyrus – Cairo 107
Padiamon – pA-di-imn
Daressy A.114 – Shabtis Bab el Gasus
Also known as Padyamun, Padiamen, Pedeamūn, Paduamen, Padiamun
Ranke I, pg. 121, 23, Ranke II, pg. 355
The name means ‘He was given by Amen’
God’s servant of Amen, Overseer of the Secrets, Chief lector priest of Amen
Qualifiers (Aubert) Great one of the seers of Re-Atem in Thebes, He who’s hands are pure in Karnak, Great praised in the knowledge of Amen-Re, Exact witness of Thebes his city
Son of Pakharu A.115
BA S.R.VII.10654 –, Cairo 107, above staircase room 51
Amduat papyrus for Padiamon – A.114
Amduat papyrus for Padiamon, length 395 cm, height 23 cm
BA S.R.VII.10654 –, Cairo 107, Type A.III.1b Niwinski
See for description Mythological Papyri 1957, Piankoff and Rambova page 109-116 and Plate 10
Photo and panorama view VB 2021 (quality remarks)