Ancient Egyptian Papyrus scrolls

Book of the Dead for Herytubekhet, length 198 cm, height 23.5 cm. Daughter of Isetemkhebit D (Royal Cache) and granddaughter of HPA Menkherrere A
Panorama: VB 2021

World’s largest database of papyrus scrolls rendered in full

Here you will find an overview of Egyptian papyri kept in museum collections. These writings, mostly more than 3,000 years old, are among the most unique archaeological finds known. Most date back to the Third Intermediate Period (TIP)

A number of black and white images of the papyri can be found in specialized publications. Often fragments or sometimes entire that may or may not be unfolded. The papyri can therefore only be viewed in color in the museum and often the conditions are such that a study of the details is not possible. In the Cairo Museum many hang over 2.5 meters high

Panorama view

This site displays complete papyri and in such a way (scrollable panorama view) that they can be easily used for research and study

Quality remarks

Because photographing the papyri without tripods and elevators is extremely difficult due to the lighting, the reflection of the glass, and the often impossible positions under which they are presented, it is difficult to image them 100% accurately
Sometimes the compilation of the many images (taken by hand and often at different angles with different lenses) causes small distortions in the presentation, especially when it comes to deviations in vertical and horizontal lines. The text is generally displayed faithfully

How to use

You can move the panorama with the mouse or with the control buttons at the bottom left of the window, and you can copy the (moving) image by right-clicking on it and choosing Save.

Best to be viewed on a desktop or laptop

Papyri in the Cairo Museum
Photo: VB 2021

In the middle the discoverer and robber Ahmed Abd-er-Rassul at the entrance of the Royal Cache. Officially cleared in 1881

Clearing of the tomb Bab el Gasus – Cache II – and transport of the coffins to the river in February 1891

Papyri Cache II – Bab El-Gasus – TIP c. 1070 – 945 BC

Ast BA – Iset (Isis) – A.127 – Cairo 15
Ast BD – Iset (Isis) – A.127 – Cairo 14
Ast-m-Ax-bit BA – Isetemkhebit – A.58 – Cairo 112
Ast-m-Ax-bit BA – Isetemkhebit – A.126- Cairo 18
Asty BA – Isety – A.66 – Cairo 76
Asty BD – Isety – A.66 – Chicago 1
imn-niwt-nxt BD – Amenniutnakht – A.81 – Cairo 61
imn-hAt-pA-mSa BD – Amenhatpamecha – A.124 – Cairo 67
imn-hAt-pA-mSa BA – Amenhatpamecha – A.124 – Cairo 117
imn-Htp BD – Amenhotep – A.39 – Cairo 9
imn-Htp BA – Amenhotep – A.39 – Cairo 12
anxf-n-mwt BD – Ankhenefenmut C – A.140 – Cairo 103
anxf-n-xnsw BD – perhaps Ankhenefkhonsu – A.108 – Cairo 17
anxf-n-xnsw BD – Ankhenefkhonsu – A.108 – Cairo 19
anxf-n-mwt BD – Ankhenefmut C – A.140 – Cairo 105
anxs-n-mwt  . .  – Ankhesenmut – maybe A.38
wsr-HAt-ms BD – Userhatmes – A.105 – Cairo 86
wsr-HAt-ms BA – Userhatmes – A.105 – Cairo 62
bAk-n-mwt BD – Bakenmut (I) – A.94 – Cairo 45
bAk-n-mwt BA – Bakenmut (I) – A.94 – Cairo 68
pA-nb-n-kmt-nxt BA – Panebenkemetnakht – A.61 – Cairo 128
pA-sbA-xa-niwt BA – Pasebakhaenniut – A.85 – Cairo 102
pA-sbA-xa-niwt BA – Pasebakhaenniut (II) – probably BeG – Cairo 78
pA-di-imn BD – Padiamon II – A.24 – Cairo 69
pA-di-imn BD – Padiamon – A.87 – Cairo 106
pA-di-imn BA – Padiamon – A.114 – Cairo 107
m-kAk-ra BA – Makaekra – A.132 – Cairo 13
mn-xpr-ra BA – Menkheperra B – A.147 – Cairo 5
mrt-imn BA – Meretamen / Amenmeret – probably BeG – Cairo 64
ns-pA-nfr-Hr BA – Nespaneferher – A.98 – Cairo 66
ns-pA-qA-Swty BA – Nespakashuty – A.43 – Cairo 101
ns-tA-nbt-tAwy BD – Nestanebettawy – A.77- Cairo 126
ns-tA-nbt-tAwy BA – Nestanebettawy – A.9- Cairo 115
nsy-imn-ipt BA – perhaps Nesyimenipet – A.113 – probably BeG – Cairo 82
nsy-pAw-ty-tAwy BA – Nesypawtytawy – A.26 – Cairo 75
nsy-pr-nwb BA – Nesypernub – A.142 – Cairo 110
nsy-xnsw BA – Nesykhonsu – A.42 – Cairo 10
nsy-xnsw BA – Nesykhonsu – A.42 – Luxor 2
nsy-tA-wDAt-Axt BA – Nesytaudjatakhet – A.96 – Cairo 21
nsy-tA-wDAt-Axt BA – Nesytaudjatakhet – A.96 – Cairo 119
Hryt-wbxt BA – Herytubekhet – A.133 – Cairo 17
Hryt-wbxt BA – Herytubekhet – A.133 – Cairo 89
Hryt-wbxt BD – Herytubekhet – A.133 – Cairo 91
xnsw-m-Hb BA – Khonsuemheb – A.106 – Cairo 7
xnsw-m-Hb BD – Khonsuemheb – A.106 – Cairo 65
xnsw-n-rnp BA – Khonsuenrenep – A.120 – Cairo 123
xnsw-n-rnp BD – Khonsuenrenep – A.120 – Chicago 2
sd-sw-Hr BD – Sjedsuhor – A.134 – Cairo 116
sd-sw-Hr BA – Sjedsuhor – A.134 – Cairo 121
gAwt-sSnw BA – Gautseshenu B – A.139 – Cairo 58
tA-aAt-(m-pr-)-imn BD – see Iset – A.127 – Cairo 14
tA-wsrt-m-pr-nsw BD – Tauseretenpernesu aka Tentuseretenpernesu – A.2 – Luxor 1
tA-wDAt-ra BD – Taudjatra – A.144 – Cairo 118
tA-wDAt-ra BA – Taudjatra – A.144 – Cairo 122
tA-Sd-xnsw BD – Tashedkhonsu – A.137 – Cairo 77
tA-di-mwt BA – Tadimut – A.91 – Cairo 71
tA-di-mwt BA – Tadimut – A.91 – Cairo 88
TA-nfr BD – Tjanefer – A.151 – Cairo 81
tAw-Hnwt BA – Tauhenut – A.20 – Cairo 80
Tnt-wsrt-n-pr-nsw BD – Tentuseretenpernesu aka Tauseretenpernesu – A.2 – Luxor 1
Tnt-sArknA BA – Tentosorkon – A.unknown – Cairo 25
Di-xnsw-iry BA – Dikhonsuiry – A.49 – Cairo 73
Dy-rpw BA – Dyrepu – A.123 – Cairo 92
Dd-imn-iwf-anx BA – Djedameniufankh – probably BeG – Cairo 6
Dd-mAat-iws-anx BA – Djedmaatiusankh – A.109 – Cairo 16
Dd-mAat-iws-anx BA – Djedmaatiusankh – A.109 – Cairo 8
Dd-mwt-iws-anx BA – Djedmutiusankh – A.150 – Cairo 57
Dd-mwt-iws-anx BD – Djedmutiusankh – A.150? – Cairo 60
Dd-xnsw-iwf-anx BD – Djedkhonsuiufankh – A.unknown – Cairo 20
Dd-xnsw-iws-anx BA – Djedkhonsuiusankh – A.83 – Cairo 84
Dd-xnsw-iwf-anx BD – Djedkhonsuiufankh – A.unknown – Cairo 96
Dd-xnsw-iwf-anx BA – Djedkhonsuiufankh – A.141 – Cairo 120 

Other TIP papyri c. 1070 – 664 BC

Aa-nrw BD – Aaneru – Museo Egizio 1771 – Turin 4
Ast-m-Ax-bit BD – Isetemkhebit – EA 9903- London 1
imn-m-wiA BA – Amenemwia – P.3127 – Berlin 18
imn-m-wiA BD – Amenemwia – BnF 33-37- Paris 3
imn-m-sAf BD – Amenemsaf – Louvre N.3292 – Paris 38
BA – Amenmes – Assassif – Cairo 87
imn-Htp BA – Amenhotep – P.3005 – Berlin 3
imn-xa BA – Amenkhau – Museo Egizio 1789 – Turin 18
anxs-n-Ast BD – Ankhesenaset – BnF 62-88 – Paris 5
BA – Paser – BnF 158-161 – Paris 8
pA-dif BA – Padief – Museo Egizio 1777 – Turin 6
BD – Paynefernefer – AS.3860 – Vienna 2
py-nr BA – Pyner – Museo Egizio 1785 – Turin 14
mwt-xaT BA – Mutkhati – Museo Egizio 1862-3 – Turin 29
mwt-r(w)D BA – Mutregh / Mutrudj – Museo Egizio 1787 – Turin 16
mSa-sbq BA – Meshasebeq – Museo Egizio 1769 – Turin 2
BD – Nauny – MMA 65 – MET 30.3.31 – New York 13
nAwny BA – Nauny – MMA 65 – MET 30.3.32 – New York 14
nb-Hpt BD – Nebhepet – Museo Egizio 1768 – Turin 1
ns-imn BA – Nesamen – Museo Egizio 1780 – Turin 9
BD – Nesamen – Thebes – MET 26.2.51 – New York 11
BD – Nesmutaaneru – BM EA 9982 – London 16
nsy-imn-nst-tAwy BA – Nesyamennesettawy – P.3153 – Berlin 26
BD – Nesetaset – MMA 60 – MET 25.3.30 – New York 7
BD/BA – Henuttawy – BM EA 10018 – London 36
Hnwt-tAwy BD – Henuttawy – Virginia Museum 54.10 – Richmond
Hnwt-tAwy BA – Henuttawy B – MMA 60 – Cairo 2
Hnwt-tAwy BA – Henuttawy B – MMA 60 – Cairo 3
Hnwt-tAwy BA – Henuttawy C – MMA 60 – MET 25.3.28 – New York 5
Hnwt-tAwy BD – Henuttawy C – MMA 60 – MET 25.3.29 – New York 6
Hr-m-Ax-bit BA- Horemakhbit – Thebes – Berlin 1
Hri BD – Hori – MoA 21.1032 – Cleveland 2
xnsw-ms BA – Khonsumes – AS.3859 – Vienna 1
xnsw-ms BD – Khonsumes – BnF 20-23 – Paris 2
xnsw-ms BD – Khonsumes – BnF 153-155 – Paris 6
swty-ms BD – Sutymes – BnF 38-45 – Paris 4
sr-imn BA – Seramen – BnF 1 – Paris 1
ssx BA – Sesech – P.3147 – Berlin 23
kry-naxt.s-n-xnsw BD – Kerynakhtesenkhonsu – Cairo 11
gAwt-sSnw BA – Gautseshenu – MMA 60 – MET 25.3.31 – New York 8
gAwt-sSnw BD – Gautseshenu – MMA 60 – MET 25.3.32 – New York 9
tA-nDmt-mwt BA – Tanedjemetmut – Museo Egizio 1784 – Turin 13
tAyw-Hnt-mwt BD – Tayuhenutmut – OI 18039 – Chigaco 3
ty BA – Ty – MMA 60 – MET 25.3.33 – New York 10
ty BD – Ty – MMA 60 – MET 25.3.34 – New York
Tnt-imn BD – Tentimen – BnF 170-173 – Paris 9
BA – Tentshedmut – BM EA 9970 – London 10
DHwty-ms BA – Djehutymes – Museo Egizio 1781 – Turin 10
Dd-mwt BD – Djedmut – Louvre N.3130 – Paris 22
BA – Djedmutiusankh – MMA 60 – MET 25.3.27 – New York 4
Dd-xnsw-iwf-anx BA – Djedkhonsuiuefankh – Museo Egizio 1779 – Turin 8
BD – Djedkhonsuiusankh – Louvre N.3280 – Paris 34
Anonymous BA – anonymous – MAEC Cortona 3194 – Cortona 1
Anonymous BA – anonymous – Museo Egizio 1776 – Turin 5
Anonymous BA – anonymous – Museo Egizio 1778 – Turin 7
Anonymous BA – anonymous – Museo Egizio 1783 – Turin 12
Anonymous BA – anonymous – Museo Egizio 1786 – Turin 15
Anonymous BA – anonymous – BnF 156 – Paris 7

Other periods c. 1550 – 50 BC (TIP excluded)

12th Dynasty – Coffin text for Sedech – Neues Museum Berlin – P.10482
18th Dynasty – Papyrus Amenhotep II period – Cairo – CG 40004 – JE 95652
18th Dynasty – Papyrus Senuseret aka Sesostris – Vienna – Papyrusmuseum Aeg 10.994-10.997
18th Dynasty – Papyrus Maiherperi, Cairo – KV36
18th Dynasty – Papyrus Nebseni (23.6 metres), British Museum – EA 9900
18th Dynasty – Papyrus Yuya (20 metres), Cairo – KV46
19th Dynasty – Papyrus Ani (23.5 metres), British Museum – EA 10470
19th Dynasty – Papyrus Hunefer (5.5 metres), British Museum – EA 9901
19th Dynasty – Papyrus Nakht (13.4 metres), British Museum – EA 10471
19th Dynasty – Papyrus Sethnakht, Metropolitan – 35.919a-e
19th Dynasty – Papyrus Qenna, RMO – SR vel 1-39
26th Dynasty – Papyrus Nespasfy – Cairo – S.R.IV.547 – JE 95649 (a+b)
Ptolemaic Period – Anonymous Book of the Dead – Cortona – BD 3184
Ptolemaic Period – Papyrus Djoser – Cairo – S.R.IV.551 – JE 95653
Ptolemaic Period – Papyrus Keku – Neues Museum Berlin – P.3003
Ptolemaic Period – Book of the Dead for Khonsuiu – Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna
Ptolemaic Period – Papyrus Tarudj named Naynay – Neues Museum Berlin – P.3008
Ptolemaic Period – Papyrus Neferini – Neues Museum Berlin – P.10477
Ptolemaic Period – Book of the Dead for Khaaesenaset – Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna
Ptolemaic Period – Hermias trial – Contract for purchase – Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna
Ptolemaic Period – Demotic contract – Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna
Ptolemaic Period – Book of the Dead for Taruma – Vienna – Papyrusmuseum Aeg 65
Roman Period – Book of Breathing for the lady Khar