Djedmutiuesankh papyrus – Cairo 60
Djedmutiuesankh – Dd-mwt-iws-anx
Daressy A.150? – see Shabtis Bab el Gasus
Also known as Djedmout, Djedmoutiouesankh, Djedmutsankh
The papyrus is not connected to a coffin, late 21st Dynasty c. 950 BC
Ranke I, pg. 410, 16, Ranke II, pg. 341
The name means ‘Mut has said, she will live’
Mistress of the House, Chantress of Amen-Re
BD S.R.VII.10223, Cairo 60, staircase, room 1
Book of the Dead papyrus for Djedmutiuesankh – A.150?
Book of the Dead for Djedmutiuesankh, length 126 cm, height 13 cm
BD S.R.VII.10223, Cairo 60, Type BD.III.1b Niwinski
Composition was difficult, better photos are available if needed
Photo and panorama view VB 2021 (quality remarks)
Retake published 5-1-2022