Nespakashuty papyrus – Cairo 101
Nespakashuty – ns-pA-qA-Swty
Daressy A.43 – Shabtis Bab el Gasus
Also known as Nespakachouty, Nesipakashuti, Nesipakashuty
Ranke I, pg. 175, 18
The name means ‘The one who belongs to the God’
God’s father of Amen-Re, the king of the gods, Overseer of the treasury of the domain of the Divine Adoratrice of Amen
BA S.R.VII.10272, Cairo 101, above staircase, room 51
Amduat papyrus for Nesypakashuty
Amduat papyrus for Nesypakashuty, length 112 cm, height 25 cm
BA S.R.VII.10272, Cairo 101, Type A.II.1a Niwinski
See Contribution à l’étude de l’Amdouat, Sadek 1985, C11 Planche 18-19, for description see page 130-133
Photo and panorama view VB 2021 (quality remarks)