Nespasfy papyrus

Ranke I, pg. 175, 15
The name means ‘He belong to the (godly) child’
Provenance: Thebes, Deir el Bahari, 1858
Late Period, 26th Dynasty

God’s servant of Montu


S.R.IV.547 – JE 95649, upstairs, room 29

Book of the Dead papyrus for Nespasfy

Book of the Dead for Nespasfy, length 480 cm, height 36 cm
S.R.IV.547 – JE 95649
Some deviation in the vertical lines due to the angles at which the photos were taken. Photos of text available if needed. In the museum, the two parts are displayed above each other
Photo and panorama view VB 2021 (quality remarks)