Taruma papyrus – Vienna
Taruma – tA-irw ?
(somewhere I came across the transliteration of the name on the papyrus, but I have no idea whether it is correct as it deviates considerably from the name used for this lady)
Ptolemaic period, 2e century BC
Provenance: Saqqara
The Book of Death consists of two scrolls. According to the museum, the upper scroll is the first part and a section is missing at the beginning. Taruma’s mother had a Greek name, Berenike.
Book of the Dead for Taruma
Length 861 cm for the two rolls together, width 32 cm
BD Aeg 65, National Bibliothek Vienna
Literature: Angelika Zdiarsky, Totenbuchhandschriften, in: Zdiarsky, A. (Hrsg.), Wege zur Unsterblichkeit. Altägyptischer Totenkult und Jenseitsglaube (Nilus 20), Wien 2013, S. 97, Kat.-Nr. 38 (descr.).
Martin Andreas Stadler, ‘Von kommunizierenden Röhren: Totenkult und Tempelkult’
Photo and panorama view VB 2022/2023 (quality remarks) – compilation is around 5 mb