Iset / Taaatemperimen papyrus – Cairo 15

Iset (Isis) – Ast – tA-aAt-(m-pr-)-imn
Daressy A.127Shabtis Bab el Gasus
Also known as Isis, Aset, Taaatemperimen (tA-aA(.t)-m-pr-imn) or abbreviated Taaatimen
Ranke I, Ast pg. 3, 18, Ranke I tA-aA(.t)-imn pg. 354, 15
The name Iset means ‘Isis’, the name Taaatemperimen means ‘The great one in the domain of Amen’

Chantress of Amen

Sadek 1985 suggests that Ta-aatimen ‘la Grande-dans-le-domaine-d’Amon’ is her nickname and Isis her real name. He writes (translated) “It is unlikely that the basalt scarab with the name of Ast (Isis) was usurped, also it is possible to think that this woman, of priestly rank, bearer of a extremely common anthroponym, at one point felt the to distinguish herself from her many companions who were called Isis, by being nicknamed “The great one in the domain of Amen”, perhaps besides, according to a current title of the goddess Isis in Thebaine region”. See L. Sadek, pg. 120-121)

BA S.R.IV.552 = JE 95654, Cairo 15, upstairs, room 29

Amduat papyrus for Iset / Taaatemperimen papyrus

Amduat papyrus for Iset / Taaatemperimen, length 94 cm, height 23 cm
BA S.R.IV.552 = JE 95654, Cairo 15, Type A.II.1a Niwinski
See Contribution à l’étude de l’Amdouat, Sadek 1985, C9 Planche 17, for description see page 120-124
Photo and panorama view VB 2021 (quality remarks)