Djedmaatiuesankh papyrus – Cairo 8
Djedmaatiuesankh– Dd-mAat-iws-anx
Daressy A.109 – Shabtis Bab el Gasus
Also known as Djedmaatiouesankh, Djedmaatesankh, Djedmaatiusanch
Ranke I, pg. 410, 13, Ranke II, pg. 401
The name means ‘Maat has said, she will live’
Mistress of the house, Chantress of Amen-Re, the king of the gods
BA S.R.IV.542 = JE 95645, Cairo 8, first floor, room 29
Amduat papyrus for Djedmaatiuesankh
Amduat papyrus for Djedmaatiuesankh, length 146 cm, height 23 cm
BA S.R.IV.542 = JE 95645, Cairo 8, Type A.III.1b Niwinski
Photo and panorama view VB 2021 (quality remarks)