Panebenkemetnakht papyrus – Cairo 128
Panebenkemetnakht – pA-nb-n-kmt-nxt
Daressy/Bouriant (-) -> A.61 (Niwinski) – Shabtis Bab el Gasus
Also known as Panebenkemetnekht
Ranke I, pg. 112, 23
The name means ‘The lord of Egypt is strong’
God’s father of Amen, Scribe of the Treasure House of the Lord of the Two Lands in the domain of Amen
BA S.R.VII.11506, Cairo 128, upstairs, room 24
Amduat papyrus for Panebenkemetnakht
Amduat papyrus for Panebenkemetnakht, length 270 cm, height 22,5 cm
BA S.R.VII.11506, Cairo 128, Type: A.III.1b
See for description Mythological Papyri 1957, Piankoff and Rambova Plate 25, for description see page 186-188
Photo and panorama view VB 2021 (quality remarks)