Nodjemet papyrus – London 59

Ranke I, pg. 215, 8
Also known as Nedjmet, Nodjmet, Nedjem
Provenance DB320 – Royal Cache – Cache I

A common theory is that Nodjmet had several children with her first husband Piankh: Heqanefer, Heqamaat, Ankhefenmut, Faienmut (a female) and, the most famous of all, the future High Priest of Amun/Pharaoh  Pinedjem I. Nodjmet became Piankh’s most trusted confidant, and every time he had to fulfill his business in Nubia, the management of Thebes was left to her.

When around 1070 BCE Piankh died, Herihor was proposed as his successor; Nodjmet, however, managed to keep her prerogatives marrying this man. Later, Herihor claimed “kingship” – although only inside the borders of the Temple of Amun at Karnak – Nodjmet effectively became his “queen”: her name was inscribed inside a cartouche and later she bore titles such as Lady of the Two Lands and King’s Mother. Source Wiki

Whether the above is correct is disputed. See the Second Nodjmet debate.

See also the interesting article of Ad Thijs, Nodjmet A, Daughter of Amenhotep, Wife of Piankh and Mother of Herihor0

See Wikipedia Book of Carvens

Book of Carvens papyrus for Nodjemet

Length 396 cm, height 22.9 cm
Ref. No. EA 10490, London 59, Type BA.III.2b Niwinski
Photos British Museum © The Trustees of the British Museum

Good photos of almost all of the frames are available on the BM’s website. For study and research I recommend using the zoomable pictures from the BM because they have a higher resolution than in the slider. Use the slider for the overview

Panorama view VB 2022 (composed of 5 frames)