Djedptahiufankh papyrus – Cairo 83

Ranke I, pg. 410, 11
Also known as Djedptahiwfankh, Djedptahioufankh, Zadptahefonkhou
Provenance Royal Cache
Period c. 969 to 932 BC. The burial can be dated to c. 932 BC (Aston pg. 231)

The name means ‘Ptah has spoken and he lives’

Djedptahiufankh is only known from his burial and mummy. He held the title of “Second prophet of Amen”, District Governor as well as “King’s Son of Ramesses” and “King’s Son of the Lord of the Two Lands”. The latter may suggest that he was related to the royal family of possibly the 21st Dynasty or 22nd Dynasty

Djedptahiufankh is assumed to be  Nestanebetisheru’s  husband. This theory is based on the fact that Djedptahiufankh was buried next to Nesitanebetashru in DB320

See Contribution à l’étude de l’Amdouat, see Sadek 1985, C6 Planche 12-13, for description see page 106-110

Room 5, EMC Cairo

Amduat papyrus for Djedptahiufankh

Length 284 cm, height 23 cm
Ref. No. S.R.VII.10246, Cairo 83, Type A.II.1a Niwinski
Photo and panorama view VB 2021/2024 (quality remarks), enhanched version 2024-11