Tauhenut papyrus – Cairo 80

Tauthenut – tAw-Hnwt
Daressy A.20 (see discussion in Sadek) – no shabtis known
Ranke I, pg. 376, 8
Also known as Taukhenut (Cairo Tahrir Museum)

Mistress of the House, Chantress of Amen-Re, the king of the gods

Daugther of a Nestanebetisheru (not from the Royal Cache)

BA S.R.VII.10243, JE 36464, Cairo 80, above staircase, room 57

Amduat papyrus for Tauhenut

Amduat papyrus for Tauhenut, length 126 cm, height 17 cm
BA S.R.VII.10243, JE 36464, Cairo 80, Type A.II.1b Niwinski
See Contribution à l’étude de l’Amdouat, Sadek 1985, C18 Planche 29-30, for description see page 155-158
Photo and panorama view VB 2021/2024 (quality remarks), enhanched version 2024-11