Pasebakhaenniut papyrus – Cairo 78

Ranke I, pg. 117, 1, Ranke II, pg. 354
Also known as Pasebakhaniut, Pasebakhaeniout, Psousennes, Psusennes, Pasebakhaemniout, Pasebkhaenet
Provenance probably from Bab el Gasus, Niwinski, Daressy no no.

No titles

There is a theory that the papyrus belongs to Pasebakhaenniut A.85. Sadek writes (translated) ‘Since Pasebakhaenniut of papyrus C 23 (Cairo 102), according to Daressy’s description of the opening of his sarcophagus, had only one papyrus which was rolled between the legs of his mummy, either manuscript C 29 (Cairo 78) belongs to another Pasebakhaenniut contemporary of his homonym, or it is about the same deceased, whose second papyrus would have been found inside one of the Osirian statues already mentioned’

See Contribution à l’étude de l’Amdouat, Sadek 1985, C29 Planche 42, for description see page 209-212

Room 5, EMC Cairo

Amduat papyrus for Pasebakhaenniut

Length 118 cm, height 18 cm
Ref. No. S.R.VII.10241, Cairo 78, Type A.III.2a Niwinski
Photo and panorama view VB 2021 (quality remarks)