Userhatmes papyri

Userhatmes– wsr-HAt-ms
Daressy A.105 – Shabtis Bab el Gasus
Also known as Userhetmes, Ouserhatmes
Ranke I, pg. 86, 2, Ranke II, pg. 350
The name means ‘The (Holy barque) Userhatmes is born’

Wab-priest at the prow of the sacred barque of Mut, mistress of the sky, Scribe of the treasury of the supreme chief of the harem of Amen, Wab-priest of Amen, the king of the gods

BD S.R.VII.10249 = 14/7/35/7, Cairo 86 – staircase, room 5

BA S.R.VII.10225, JE 34023, Cairo 62 – staircase, room 1

Book of the Dead papyrus for Userhatmes

Length 520 cm, Height 33 cm

Book of the Dead for Userhatmes, length 520 cm, height 33 cm
BD S.R.VII.10249 = 14/7/35/7, Cairo 86, Type BD.III.1a Niwinski
Photo and panorama view VB 2021 (quality remarks)

Amduat papyrus for Userhatmes

Length 215 cm, Height 23 cm

Amduat papyrus for Userhatmes, length 215 cm, height 23 cm
BA S.R.VII.10225, JE 34023, Cairo 62, Type A.I.1 Niwinski
See Piankoff 1964a, pg. 120-128
Photo and panorama view VB 2021 (quality remarks)