Anhay papyrus – London 58

Not in Ranke
Also known as Anhai
Provenance Akhmim, found in the wooden figure of Osiris EA20868
Acquired in 1888
Middle 21st Dynasty

Mistress of the house, Chantress of Amen over the Phylae, Leader of Musicians of Osiris, Leader of Musicians of Nebtu and Khnum

See the frames in the British Museum EA10472-1, EA10472-2, EA10472-4, EA10472-5, EA10472-6 and EA10472-7

There is no photo of Frame 3 (2024), instead I used Budge’s 1899 facsimile, as well as for frame 7 because of the poor quality of the photo. What is noticeable is that on the Budge facsimiles, the colour yellow is intensely present. It does not seem to be present on the original papyri. Only on frame 6, the yellow is still present there

Book of the Dead for Anhay

Length 443 cm, height 42 cm
Ref. No. EA10472, London 58, Type BD.III.1a Niwinski
Composed of photos © The Trustees of the British Museum and the publication “The Book of the Dead”, Wallis Budge, 1899 (frames 3 and 7)
Panorama view VB 2024