Imhotep papyrus – New York
Ranke I, pg. 9, 2
Also known as Immutef, Imhetep, Ii-em-Hotep or Imuthes
Provenance gift of Edward S. Harkness, 1935
Ptolemaic Period, ca. ca. 332–200 B.C
This papyrus is dedicated to a Priest of Horus named Imhotep. Divided into 62 columns, it contains 6 separate texts, all designed to provide for the protection and glorification of Osiris, the divine ruler of the realm of the dead. See here for more info
Look here for Imhotep’s Book of the Dead
MET, New York, Gallery 134
Osiris Liturgies papyrus dedicated to Imhotep
Length estimated 11.2 meters (framed), height 23 cm
Ref. No. 35.9.21a–0, Metropolitan Museum NY
For the very beginning and to fill two spots that were behind a glass rim holder, I used some photo material from the MET’s website
Photos and Panorama view VB 2023/2024 (12 Mb)
Fragment: Click on image for a full view of the whole papyrus