Tabaketenkhonsu papyri – Cairo 59
Tabaketenkhonsu – tA-bAkt-n-xnsw
Daressy A.10
Also known as Tabaketkhonsou, Tabakenkhonsu, Tabakenkhons, Tabaketenchons
Ranke I, pg. 356, 7
The name means ‘The (female) servant of Khonsou’
Chantress of Amen-Re, the king of the gods, Musician of the choir of Mut
BD S.R.VII.10222, Cairo 59
Staircase, Room 1
Book of the Dead papyrus for Tabaketenkhonsu A.10
Length 246 cm, height 24 cm
BD S.R.VII.10222, Cairo 59, Type BD.II.1 Niwinski
Photos and panorama view VB 2024-11 (quality remarks)